Pack 513 Events & Activities
Traditional Cub Scout Events
Our pack schedules a few different events throughout the scouting year frequently associated with Cub Scouting. These events are cherished and looked forward to each and every year by all scouts and their family members in our pack.
Pack 513 Event Examples:
Pinewood Derby
Blue & Gold Banquet
Rain Gutter Regatta
The events listed above are often synonymous with the Cub Scout journey - Don't miss out!
Let's Go Camping
Pack 513 holds campouts a few times per year. Typically we hold a fall campout, a winter campout, and a spring time campout. These are often held in October, January, and April, respectively. We also work to coordinate over the summer with it comes to scouting camp sessions at R-C Scout Ranch (pronounced like "are bar see"). If you are unfamiliar with R-C, it has a rich history in the state of Arizona, but has been used as a campground for scouts and their families in recent years.
Camping locations, activities, and plans vary, depending on the time of year. We will always be sure to communicate what each campout entails, so you are sure to be prepared. Never camped before? Let us know! We are always happy to help you and your scout out by providing recommendations and resources to ensure your first campout is a successful one.
After all, what is scouting anyway without the great outdoors?
Additional Pack Activities
The scouting year may have an ending, but being part of a pack means sticking together!
We often get together a couple times during the summer. Since Arizona gets so warm, we do try our best to try and stay cool during the hottest times of the year. We do this by having Rain Gutter Regatta (mentioned above) in May, after our final pack meeting of the year. Prior to the next scouting year kicking off, we will typically hold a welcome back picnic outdoors at a nearby park toward the end of August. We often try to meet at least one additional time between those two events, and each individual den often does the same!
Outside of those types of activities, Pack 513 is involved in our local community with service projects and participating in the Glendale Hometown Christmas Parade during the month of December. We always appreciate any suggestions for additional activities that you may have, so be sure to share your ideas with us - Just send us an email & we'll get back to you!