Volunteer with Pack 513

Why Your Volunteering Matters

Video © Grand Canyon Council, BSA. All Rights Reserved. 

"Boy Scouts of America volunteers play a critical role in helping to deliver Scouting programs that build character, leadership, and integrity in thousands of youth members across the country.

Every Scouting volunteer – from a Cub Scout’s first den leader to the council representative reviewing a Scout at an Eagle Scout board of review – contributes to the overall success of the Scouting program. Volunteers are mentors and teachers who dedicate their free time to building youth into the future leaders of tomorrow."

 "Why Volunteers Remain in Scouting." February 22, 2017. Written by Hayley Cordaro.Click here to view the full article on ScoutingWire.org

Join Our Team

How Volunteering Works

Scouting is a youth-led, youth-run program, but the youth must be trained to be leaders. Adult role models in Scouting provide an ideal learning experience for all youth. Every adult volunteer has something valuable to offer. On a typical weekend campout, Scouts might work with an adult volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge and with a Scout mom to learn orienteering, go on a 5-mile hike with another adult leader, and end the day learning how to clean and cook fresh fish from someone else.

The advantages of Scouting are not limited to youth. Adults also develop leadership and physical skills with every training experience.

Volunteers learn, too. Volunteers spend a significant amount of time to ensure the success of Scouting in their communities. The average Scout volunteer gives 20 hours of service each month, and 96 percent of volunteers say they would recommend volunteering for the BSA to other adults. In fact, volunteers believe their time invested with the Boy Scouts of America helps them be:

We need you to provide the direction, coaching, and training that empowers today’s youth with the skills they will need to lead tomorrow.

All information provided directly by the BSA Official Website within the 'About the BSA' section.Click here to view the original content on Scouting.org/about/volunteer/

Becoming a Volunteer

There are many ways you can get involved and volunteer with Pack 513. Whether you'd like to make an impact by working with the scouts directly or volunteering from a more administrative perspective, we could always use the help! As the saying goes, many hands make for light work. 

Common Cub Scout Volunteer Positions Include:

Volunteer Registration

Getting involved and registered as a volunteer within our pack is a fairly straightforward process. Below is a basic outline of what you'll need to do and what to expect throughout the process of becoming a part of the Pack 513 Team!

Volunteer Registration Process & Tips:

From there, you'll be all set to begin assisting the pack in whatever way you are willing. We cannot wait to have you join us!

The BSA requires all adult leaders to adhere to the "Scouter Code of Conduct" and "Guide to Safe Scouting." 

Click here to view the BSA Policies on Scouting.org/health-and-safety/guidelines-policies/

Pack 513 Volunteering Application

 Volunteer. Create an Impact. | Be Prepared. For Life.®